Day: July 1, 2024

No, Not Every Kid Has ADHD These Days, it’s a Real Condition, Not a Trend

If I had a penny every time someone said, “Everyone's a little

Data Dilemma: Can Fitness Trackers REALLY Personalize Your Workout… Without Snooping on You?

Let’s imagine a scenario. You want to enhance your fitness. For that

Evolving Business Dynamics – A Challenge

Earlier organizations were very cautious and reluctant to accept new changes, but

Resolve Dopamine Addiction: How to Stop Doomscrolling

In a world filled with constant information and stimulation, it's no surprise

A Visitation of Conscience

There was a character in Game of Thrones, a previous bodyguard to

Unleashing Health: The Power of Nutrition, Mental Well-being, and AI in Healthcare

Magazica: Could you share with us your journey into becoming a successful

Role of Physiotherapy In Health Care Services

Exercise-based recuperation, or Physiotherapy, is a medical service calling that works with

5 Science-Backed Ways Nutrition Impacts Your Mental Health

In recent years, the stigma surrounding mental health has improved significantly, and

Demystifying Pharmacology: Essential Insights for Everyday Life

Magazica: Can you share a simple explanation of what pharmacology is and

Finding Balance and Cultivating Happiness: Insights from a Wellness Expert

Magazica: Can you share with us your journey from running a marketing

Strength Training at Any Age with Kelvin Macias Pulido

Magazica: Could you share with us your journey into becoming a successful

Back to Basics: Prioritizing the Fundamentals of Health and Nutrition

Magazica: Today, we are delighted to have with us Dr. David Koivuranta,