The Future of Healthcare

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The Future of Healthcare

Magazica: What inspired you to start Docere Health, and how has your journey been so far?
Luka Lamaj: Starting Docere Health was a very personal decision for me. It all began when my mom, a family physician, burned out at just 45 years old and had to retire. Watching that happen was really tough. She loved being a doctor, but the constant stress, long hours, and endless paperwork wore her down. It was heartbreaking to see her passion for medicine fade because of the pressures she faced.

At the time, I was studying Biochemistry in university, planning to become a doctor myself. But after seeing what my mom went through, I realized that the healthcare system needed to change. I couldn’t stand the idea of more doctors going through the same thing. Then I found out that around 10,000 physicians in Canada burn out and retire every year. That number shocked me and made me rethink my career path.

Instead of becoming a doctor, I decided to focus on fixing this problem. For the past two and a half years, I’ve been dedicated to figuring out how to make healthcare better for everyone, especially for the doctors who care for us. That’s how Docere Health came to be. Our goal is to use AI to cut down the paperwork and stress for physicians, helping them find a better balance so they can keep doing what they love without burning out.

I’m a big fan of the Charles Bukowski quote: “If you’re going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don’t even start.” That’s exactly how I feel about this journey. It’s been challenging, but knowing that we’re working to prevent what happened to my mom from happening to others keeps me going all the way.

Magazica: How does AI help doctors reduce burnout, and what benefits does this bring to patient care?

Luka Lamaj: AI is playing a crucial role in helping doctors reduce burnout by taking over many of the time-consuming and repetitive tasks that often contribute to their stress, but also making patients lives easier and better. At Docere Health, our platform is specifically focused on automating critical workflow tasks like billing and inbox management, which are major contributors to physician burnout. By taking over these repetitive and time-consuming duties, our AI tools allow doctors to focus more on what really matters—patient care.

For example, our billing automation tool streamlines the entire process, from coding to claims submission. Instead of spending hours sorting through complex billing codes and paperwork, doctors can rely on our AI to handle it accurately and efficiently. This reduces errors, speeds up the payment process, and most importantly, frees up valuable time for physicians.

In addition to billing, our platform also manages the overwhelming amount of communication that doctors receive daily. Our inbox management system filters, categorizes, and prioritizes messages, ensuring that urgent matters are addressed promptly while less critical tasks are handled automatically. This reduces the cognitive load on doctors, helping them stay organized and focused on their patients rather than getting bogged down by a never-ending stream of emails and messages.

But we’re not alone in this mission. Other tools in the market are also making a significant impact on reducing physician burnout. For instance, Suki and help with automated documentation, allowing doctors to dictate their notes and have them transcribed and organized in real-time. This cuts down on after-hours paperwork, giving doctors more time to rest and recharge.

Clinical decision support systems like Alaya Care are also changing the game by providing evidence-based treatment recommendations, reducing the time and stress involved in making complex medical decisions.

These AI-driven solutions are not just making life easier for doctors—they’re also improving patient care. With less time spent on administrative tasks, doctors can dedicate more time to their patients, leading to better communication, and ultimately, better health outcomes.

Magazica: What are some common challenges doctors face today, and how can AI (and technology like Docere Health) help solve these problems?

Luka Lamaj: Doctors today face a lot of challenges that make their jobs really tough. One of the biggest problems is the huge amount of time they spend on paperwork and other administrative tasks. On average, doctors spend about 20 hours each week just on these tasks, which takes away from the time they could be spending with their patients.

Another big issue is the time they spend using Electronic Health Records (EHRs). On average, doctors spend around 17 minutes per patient dealing with EHRs. Most of this time goes into reviewing charts (33%), writing up documentation (24%), and ordering tests or medications (17%). With all of this extra work, doctors are left with only about 7 minutes per patient, which often isn’t enough to give the kind of care they want to provide.

This is where AI and technology, like what we’re developing at Docere Health, can really help. By automating a lot of these time-consuming tasks, we can take the burden off doctors and give them more time to focus on their patients.

Magazica: Why is it important for doctors to stay updated with the latest medical research, and how does AI (Docere Health) help with this?

Luka Lamaj: The medical field is constantly evolving. New treatments, medications, and guidelines are being developed all the time, and staying informed helps doctors provide the best possible care to their patients. If doctors aren’t up-to-date, they might miss out on important advancements that could improve patient outcomes or even save lives.

When I was doing research in the lab, I saw firsthand how important it is for scientists and physicians to communicate effectively. Researchers are always discovering new things, but if that information doesn’t reach the doctors who treat patients, the impact of those discoveries is limited. The challenge is that keeping up with the latest research can be overwhelming. Medical journals are constantly publishing new studies, and doctors already have a lot on their plates with patient care and administrative work, or simply some of them don’t even understand the importance of reading these papers. This is why our system is outdated.

This is where AI comes into play. We are currently working on a platform that helps doctors stay current with the latest research without adding to their workload. For example, we can use AI to filter and summarize relevant studies based on a doctor’s specialty or patient needs. This means doctors get the most important and relevant updates without having to spend hours sifting through medical journals.

Our AI could integrate new research findings directly into clinical decision support tools specifically in fields like genomic and proteomic medicine. This means that when a doctor is making a decision about a patient’s treatment, they can be automatically informed of the latest evidence-based recommendations. This helps ensure that patients are receiving care that reflects the most current knowledge in the field.

Magazica: Can you share some practical tips for our readers on how they can use technology to manage their health better?

Luka Lamaj: In my own routine, I’ve found that integrating technology has made a significant difference in managing my health and staying informed. I use health tracking apps like MyFitnessPal to keep an eye on my diet and exercise, which helps me stay on track with my wellness goals. I also rely on sleep tracking tools like Fitbit to monitor my rest and make adjustments as needed.

Medication management is another area where technology has been a game-changer. Medication reminder apps like Medisafe ensure you never miss a dose, while platforms like Zocdoc make it easy to schedule and manage medical appointments. Telemedicine services such as Teladoc offer the convenience of virtual consultations, giving you access to healthcare professionals from the comfort of your home.

For those managing chronic conditions, remote monitoring devices like continuous glucose monitors or blood pressure cuffs can sync with your smartphone, providing real-time data that you can share with your doctor.

Mental health is another priority, and I use apps like Headspace for guided meditation to help manage stress. Online therapy platforms like Calm also provide easy access to counseling when needed. Wearables like the Apple Watch play a crucial role in monitoring my physical activity and heart rate, helping me stay aware of any irregularities.

Magazica: What role does precision medicine play in modern healthcare, and how can it benefit patients in their daily lives?

Luka Lamaj

Luka Lamaj: While personalized and precision medicine have made significant strides in modern healthcare, their broad approaches sometimes fall short when it comes to truly addressing the unique needs of each patient. I want to talk more about the concept of “Individualized medicine” goes a step further by focusing specifically on tailoring treatment to each person’s unique data, aiming for early detection and health optimization rather than just reactive care.

Personalized medicine often groups patients into categories based on general characteristics such as genetic profiles or disease types. While this can improve treatment compared to one-size-fits-all approaches, it still relies on broader groupings that may not account for the nuances of individual health needs.

Precision medicine uses genomic data to guide treatment decisions, targeting therapies based on genetic information. However, this approach can sometimes overlook the individual’s full spectrum of health data, including lifestyle, environmental factors, and personal health history, which play crucial roles in effective treatment.

Individualized medicine addresses these gaps by incorporating a comprehensive set of data to create a treatment plan tailored specifically to each person. This method considers not only genetic information but also lifestyle choices, personal health history, and real-time health metrics. The goal is to move from a reactive approach—where treatment begins only after symptoms appear—to a proactive strategy focused on early detection and continuous health optimization.

For instance, rather than applying a standard medication regimen based on genetic testing alone, individualized medicine would analyze a patient’s full health profile, including their response to previous treatments, lifestyle factors, and current health metrics. This allows for more precise adjustments to medications and therapies, potentially leading to better outcomes with fewer side effects.

In daily life, this means that individuals benefit from treatments that are not only more effective but also more attuned to their unique needs.

Magazica: How do you see the future of healthcare evolving with the integration of AI and other technological innovations?

Luka Lamaj: The future of healthcare is on the brink of a revolutionary transformation, and I’m excited to share that we are spearheading a movement that will redefine the landscape of Canadian healthcare: “Save Canadian Healthcare.” Our mission is bold and ambitious—aiming to develop and present transformative proposals that address the systemic challenges and inefficiencies plaguing our healthcare system, and integrating the AI tools immediately in the healthcare system.

Imagine a future where Canada’s healthcare system is not only efficient and innovative but also accessible to everyone. Through Save Canadian Healthcare, we envision a comprehensive plan that integrates the latest technological advancements to create a system that operates proactively rather than reactively. Our goal is to secure a commitment from the government to implement these cutting-edge proposals, ensuring every Canadian receives the highest standard of care.

This movement is more than just a vision; it’s a call to action. By harnessing the power of AI and other technological innovations, we can move towards a model of individualized medicine that tailors care to each person’s unique needs. This means early detection, optimized treatment plans, and a healthcare system that anticipates and addresses health issues before they become critical.

We are at a pivotal moment where we can shape the future of healthcare ourselves. In the coming months, I will present more ideas on how we can achieve this transformative vision and set a new standard for health and well-being in the 21st century. I would ask for everyone to join us in this mission to revolutionize Canadian healthcare, to not just imagine a better future, but to actively create it. Together, we can build a system that embodies innovation, efficiency, and accessibility, ensuring a healthier future for all Canadians.

Magazica: What are some simple lifestyle changes that our readers can make to improve their mental and physical well-being?

Luka Lamaj: Improving your mental and physical well-being can be significantly enhanced by making a few simple yet impactful lifestyle changes. Regular exercise is essential, so consider incorporating activities like going to the gym or engaging in other forms of physical activity into your routine. Exercise not only strengthens your body but also releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters that help reduce stress and anxiety. Another effective strategy is adopting a concept I call “Productive Procrastination.” Inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci’s tendency to leave tasks unfinished and return to them later, spend time reading books on various topics to gain new knowledge. This practice not only stimulates your mind and sparks creativity but also provides a mental escape and relaxation. Prioritizing a balanced diet is also crucial; aim to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your meals to support overall health and maintain energy levels. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep-breathing exercises, can help you manage stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional resilience. Establishing a consistent daily routine adds structure and stability to your life, which can reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Additionally, getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night is vital for physical recovery, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

Magazica: Can you share any success stories or examples where Docere Health has made a significant difference in patient outcomes?

Luka Lamaj: We’ve seen firsthand how our tools have made a significant impact on patient outcomes and physician efficiency. For example, our platform has effectively streamlined various administrative tasks, which has led to impressive improvements in patient care.

One notable success story involves our workflow management tools, which have helped increase the time doctors spend with each patient from an average of 7 minutes to 15 minutes. This enhancement was achieved by automating routine tasks such as documentation and billing. By freeing up time, doctors were able to allocate more attention and care to each patient, leading to a more thorough and personalized treatment experience.

Additionally, our tools have saved physicians approximately 2 hours per day. This time savings has allowed doctors to see more patients without compromising the quality of care. As a result, patients have benefited from reduced wait times and more comprehensive consultations, which ultimately leads to better health outcomes.

Magazica: What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs who want to make a positive impact in the healthcare industry?

Luka Lamaj: Our healthcare system has failed us. ‘First, do no harm’ is the most fundamental principle of any healthcare service. Yet, around 1 in every 10 patients is harmed in healthcare, with over 3 million deaths annually due to unsafe care. More than 50% of this harm is preventable, often linked to medications. So first and foremost, recognize that the healthcare field is challenging but deeply rewarding. To drive meaningful change, focus on systematic transformation rather than just incremental improvements. The industry demands innovative solutions that can address underlying inefficiencies and systemic issues.

Embrace the power of technology and data to create solutions that enhance patient care and streamline processes. Always be prepared and thorough in your planning—this is where Napoleon’s wisdom comes into play: “Be paranoid in preparation, but in the midst of action, do not waver.” This means you should meticulously prepare and anticipate potential challenges, but once you’re executing your plan, stay confident and focused, adapting as needed without hesitation.

Moreover, stay committed to understanding the needs of both patients and healthcare professionals. Building strong relationships and listening to feedback can guide you in developing solutions that truly address real-world problems. Persistence, adaptability, and a clear vision are key to overcoming obstacles and achieving success in this impactful field.

Magazica: How can our readers ensure they are getting accurate and up-to-date health information in an age of information overload?

Luka Lamaj: Start by checking trusted websites like Mayo Clinic, WebMD, or the CDC, and look for information from well-known medical organizations. Always talk to your doctor to get advice that’s right for you. When reading health information, make sure it comes from qualified experts and is backed by scientific research. Be cautious of overly dramatic claims and double-check information across different reliable sources. Use health apps recommended by professionals and make sure they are regularly updated. And don’t forget that reading books can be a great way to gain deep and trustworthy knowledge about health. By following these tips, you can better navigate the flood of information and make sure you’re getting reliable health advice.

Magazica: What are some key takeaways from your experience that you believe can help our readers lead healthier and more fulfilling lives?

Luka Lamaj: I will take a philosophical point of view for this one. From a philosophical perspective, leading a healthier and more fulfilling life involves embracing timeless wisdom from some of history’s greatest thinkers. Friedrich Nietzsche believed that true happiness comes from embracing our struggles and challenges as opportunities for growth. He posited that happiness is not a passive state but an active process of becoming who we are meant to be through perseverance and self-overcoming.

Plato, on the other hand, emphasized the pursuit of virtue and wisdom as the path to true happiness. He suggested that living a life of reason, guided by knowledge and moral integrity, leads to the highest form of fulfillment. For Plato, happiness arises from the alignment of our actions with our highest ideals and the cultivation of a well-ordered soul.

Epicurus, renowned for his philosophy of pleasure, believed that true happiness comes from seeking simple pleasures and cultivating a life of tranquility and contentment. He argued that understanding the natural limits of our desires and focusing on friendships, moderate living, and the absence of pain are key to achieving a state of serene happiness.

Marcus Aurelius, the Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor, taught that happiness comes from inner peace and resilience. His reflections emphasize the importance of accepting what we cannot change, focusing on our own actions and attitudes, and finding contentment in the present moment. Marcus Aurelius believed that by mastering our inner self and aligning our actions with our values, we can achieve lasting fulfillment and peace.

In addition to these philosophies, the concept of a higher power or divine presence known as God plays a vital role in finding peace. Many traditions suggest that connecting with a higher power or the divine can provide a sense of purpose and inner calm. For some, believing in and aligning with a spiritual or divine principle offers a profound source of comfort and guidance, contributing to a peaceful and fulfilling life.

This question is incredibly complex, and it’s challenging to distill it into a single takeaway. However, I believe that exploring and integrating various philosophical ideas can bring us closer to understanding the truth, which in turn can guide us toward lasting happiness.

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Luka Lamaj

Luka Lamaj

Witnessing his mother, a dedicated physician, succumb to burnout ignited a fire in Luka Lamaj. Instead of accepting the status quo, he chose to challenge it. Driven by a deep understanding of the pressures facing healthcare professionals, Luka, the founder of Docere Health, embarked on a mission to reshape the industry. Through AI-powered solutions, Docere Health empowers doctors to reclaim their time, rediscover their passion, and ultimately, deliver better patient care.